Equity in Design
Template requesting action from your firm
The built environment upholds the values of society. It is time to reassess those values and address how is architecture and design implicit in systemic racism.
Only 2% of licensed architects in the US are black, and only 6% of graduating designers and architects. It is time to create a more diverse industry so we can build a more equitable future..
Reach out to your firm's leadership and call for action:
Call for action:
Examples of Proactive responses from the design industry:
Race in the Workplace:
- HBR - Is Your Company Actually Fighting Racism, or Just Talking About It?
- NYT - Corporate America has failed black America
- HBR - How Organizations Can Support the Mental Health of Black Employees
Additonal Resources:
Architecture and Racial Inequity
- The Architectural League NY
- City Lab - America’s Cities were designed to Oppress
- Fast Company - How Urban Design Perpetuates Racial Inequality–And What We Can Do About It
- Act.tv – 4 min video on systemic inequity and real estate
- Novita - 90 min panel on Diversity and Design personal experiences of black designers and architects
- Anti-racism Design Resources
Going back to normal is no longer an option, because normal equals exclusion and injustice. Let’s make sure our industry is on the right side of history and leading the change.
- Hana